Meet Greg Best



To create music for wellness and self-reflection.



To give every emotion a place to belong.


About Greg

Greg Best (AKA BestEver) calls himself “an R&Bemo artist dancing between pop and metalcore.” His unique musical intuition soars across genres, and he is known for helping artists discover themselves. From solo work to collaborations, Greg brings a forward-thinking yet timeless approach to songwriting, production, and live music performance.

Since age 3, Greg has heard his original compositions as if played through his own set of secret headphones. This gift beckoned him to pursue a life in music. Greg studied at Nazareth University in Rochester, NY, under his mentor, the late jazz composer Paul Smoker. Under Smoker’s guidance, Greg deconstructed his musical framework and created a new world of sonic possibilities. Now, Greg helps artists on their journeys and considers this his most significant work.

Greg’s solo recordings often tell the story of his lived experience with mental health conditions and grief. He is a community advocate for mental wellness, creative arts therapies, arts education, and suicide prevention. He and his wife Kim, a board-certified music therapist, created Music Can Help to bring people back to music as a source of health in their everyday lives.

Greg connects to his true self through vulnerability and courageous artistic expression. He consistently produces new music and collaborates with like-minded artists worldwide. You can experience Greg’s latest music on the “This Is Greg Best” Spotify playlist.